
Showing posts from October, 2021

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Common Cold

Common Cold It's viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. It commonly affects the nose, throat, and sinuses. It is the most common human disease. There are over 200 viral strains that can cause common cold like Rhinoviruses, corona viruses, adeno viruses,...etc This huge number of viruses responsible for cold, makes one who gets cold can get another due to the immense variability of causing agents. Transmission: Infection is transmitted from an infected person to healthy one through airborne droplets. When the infected individual coughs or sneezes, droplets spread the infection to the nearby persons. Cold exposure, Diabetes, and immunosuppressive drugs are all risk factors that increase susceptibility of getting cold. The incubation period (The period from getting the virus till the appearance of symptoms) for common cold ranges from 3-7 days. Symptoms: Firstly their is a dry stage in which the person complains of non specific symptoms like fever, headache , and mala