
Showing posts from May, 2022

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Nutrition & The Brain

Nutrition & The Brain Your brain is the most important organ in your body. It never stops working even when you are sleeping it is still ACTIVE. Our brains control everything of our own lives. A good nutrition and balanced diet are keys for a better mental health. Many mental aspects can be affected by what we eat and the quality of what we eat. Mood and diet Our mood can be affected by what we eat both in short and long terms. It's very familiar that some people who are just feel upset can report that their feelings improved after having a meal. Some food items such as milk, chocolate,  are rich in tryptophan an amino acid that the brain uses to synthesize dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with happiness and well-being. Diet and concentration: Their are many food and drink items that are associated with enhanced alertness and concentration of those theophyllines are a typical examples. Coffee and tea contain theophyllines. They enhance awakefulness, alertness, concent