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Vitamin C and its importance to the body

Oranges are rich in Vitamin C
Oranges are rich in Vitamin C

        A vitamin is an essential compound that is needed by the body and is important in many vital reactions within the body. There are many different vitamins that are broadly divided into two main categories; Water-soluble vitamins like vitamin B, and C. And Fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins K, E, D, and A.  Deficiency of any vitamin causes diseases and health problems.Vitamins work mainly as coenzymes (they catalyse certain chemical reactions that is important to the body). We get vitamins mainly from diet. 

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid):

     Vitamin C is on the Water-soluble vitamins that is essential for health. It can be found in citric fruits like lemon, Orange, and Guava. vitamin C is very important for the health and integrity of mucous membranes of the body. It's also essential for skin integrity,.Vitamin C plays an important role in the absorption of Iron (which is very important for blood synthesis). Vitamin C plays a major role in collagen synthesis in the body and ground substances between cells. Lack of Vitamin C  causes tissues specially the gums to be friable and bleed easily with minor trauma, a condition called scurvy. Scurvy first noted in the eighteenth century among British sailors who spend long times in sea without getting enough fresh fruits to provide them with sufficient amounts of vitamin C. James Lind, a physician in the British navy, was  first to demonstrate that consumption of oranges and lemons could prevent Scurvy.

Vitamins and cancer: 

There is growing evidence that an adequate intake of  vitamins, especially A,C, and E decreases risk of cancer, This is thought to be due to the antioxidant activity of these vitamins. When oxidizing free-radicals accumulate in tissues, they result in degenerative changes in DNA resulting in expression of "cancer genes". Antioxidants prevent this by getting rid of these radicals.

Vitamin C and immunity:

     Vitamin C is vital in keeping our bodies immune against different invading viruses and bacteriae that cause different diseases. Vitamin C also help decrease symptoms of common cold. So it's recommended to have plenty of oranges and lemon juice at times of cold to help relieve the symptoms.


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